Managing Conflicts of Interest in the Boardroom

After our successful in-person luncheon events in September and October, we are returning to the virtual world for our November event.Our members have told us they want a combination of in-person and virtual events this season. We recognize that both formats have their advantages to our members, so we will be offering a mix for the rest of 2022-23. We kick-off our "virtual" season with…

Managing Conflicts of Interest in the Boardroom
As a director, have you ever felt uncomfortable with how conflicts of interest were handled by a board you have served on? As a chair, have you ever struggled with tactfully managing conflict of interest issues in a meeting?
All directors bring their previous experience, current involvements, and connections (both professional & personal) to their board role. These valued attributes may form part of the very reason a director is recruited to serve. Manitoba is an interconnected province, and conflict of interest issues may quickly arise. When such situations occur, it should not be viewed negatively nor as something to be kept secret. Instead, it is an opportunity for the board to openly discuss conflicts of interest transparently, so that appropriate mitigating actions can be taken to protect the integrity of the board's decision-making.
While we all know that the Board of Directors must act - and be perceived to act - in a manner that does not result in a conflict of interest, how do we ensure that such issues are appropriately handled and clearly demonstrate the board's due diligence?
Join our moderator, Brent Gilbert, board chair of Portage Mutual Insurance, for a virtual panel discussion with Maria Capozzi, the recently retired governance practice lead of Manitoba's Office of the Auditor General, and Andrew Buck, a corporate lawyer with Pitblado Law in Winnipeg. They will provide a variety of perspectives on how boards can successfully manage conflicts of interest in the boardroom and strengthen their disclosure processes.
November 16, 2022 12:00 p.m. CT
ICD.D Member: $25 Non-Member: $40



Maria Capozzi



Andrew Buck




Brent Gilbert


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