ICD Chapter


Welcome to our Chapter

ICD-Quebec's mission is to promote excellence among boards of directors, with a view to strengthening corporate governance and the organizations’ performance for their stakeholders, while representing the directors. Our events offer our members and participants the opportunity to develop their leadership skills through networking and sharing of knowledge and best practices.

Featured Leaders

Featured Leaders

Catherine Simard


President, IAS-Québec

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Featured Leaders

Suzanne Rancourt


Chair of the Quebec Chapter board of directors , IAS QUÉBEC

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Featured Leaders

Claude Delâge


Governor, IAS-Québec

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Interested in joining?

If you are interested in joining a Chapter committee, please contact the Chapter Administrator, Emmanuel Dupuis-Hébert, at info@iasquebec.com.

Chapter Spotlight

Things a board of directors must keep an eye on in a digital transformation

Demystifying the Digital Transformation - Part 1

Demystifying the Digital Transformation - Part 2

Recommendation from the CIO to the board members of organizations that are going digital.

A culture based on agility, data and clients.

Digital transformation in SME

Change management in a digital transformation

Board oversight digital transformation spotting red flags.

Structuring change management in a digital transformation

The “Purpose” of a Corporation and the Stakeholder Model

How will COVID-19 Impact your Business and consequently your Branding Strategy?

Breakfast Seminar on February 27, 2020 – The Processing of Personal Data: What the Board Needs to Know.

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