ICD Chapter

Southwestern Ontario

Welcome to our Chapter

The ICD Southwestern Ontario (SWO) Chapter is network of corporate directors from a variety of sectors and types of organizations across one of Canada’s largest economic zones. Bringing together a shared commitment to good governance and a wealth of experience and best practices, we provide a mix of relevant learning events and networking, to enrich member insights and opportunities to excel in governance and leadership.

Directors and aspiring directors from small, medium, start up and nonprofit… to publicly traded corporations are invited to expand your knowledge and network, and participate in our events, building a strong and connected director community.

Featured Leaders

Featured Leaders

Peter Friedmann

Chapter Co-Chair 
Featured Leaders

Richard McCammon

Chapter Co-Chair

Interested in joining?

If you are interested in joining a Chapter committee, please contact southwesternontarioinfo@icd.ca.

Member Spotlight

SWO Chapter event

Reputational Risk – Why You, Why now? with Colin MacDonald, November 29, 2025

Thank you to our ICD Southwestern Ontario Chapter Sponsors

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