Welcome to our Chapter
The ICD Southwestern Ontario (SWO) Chapter is network of corporate directors from a variety of sectors and types of organizations across one of Canada’s largest economic zones. Bringing together a shared commitment to good governance and a wealth of experience and best practices, we provide a mix of relevant learning events and networking, to enrich member insights and opportunities to excel in governance and leadership.
Directors and aspiring directors from small, medium, start up and nonprofit… to publicly traded corporations are invited to expand your knowledge and network, and participate in our events, building a strong and connected director community.
Interested in joining?
If you are interested in joining a Chapter committee, please contact southwesternontarioinfo@icd.ca.
Member Spotlight

Reputational Risk – Why You, Why now? with Colin MacDonald, November 29, 2025
Reputation is an intangible, yet invaluable, asset for any business, and a compromised reputation can swiftly damage stakeholder trust, leading to tangible effects on the organization. Organizations are being held to a higher level of accountability than ever before by multiple stakeholder groups, not least because of global and digital interconnectivity. Reputational risk, more than ever, belongs on the board agenda.
Colin MacDonald is Managing Principal at Navigator - Canada’s leading high-stakes public strategy and communications firm. Based in Toronto, Colin’s work nationally is frequently in support of clients as they confront enterprise threats or seek to shape public opinion. Previously, Colin served as a senior policy advisor to several Ontario cabinet ministers across a diverse set of strategic portfolios.
At this in-person event, Colin shared insights on how organizations can identify reputational risks and prioritize them, best practices for monitoring and evaluating reputational risks and how directors can effectively oversee reputation and risk.
Please join us at an upcoming event to convene and network with fellow directors from the SWO region.
Thank you to our ICD Southwestern Ontario Chapter Sponsors