ICD.D Designation
Granted by the Institute of Corporate Directors, the ICD.D designation represents a lifelong commitment to excellence in the boardroom.
Granted by the Institute of Corporate Directors after completing the ICD-Rotman Directors Education Program and an examination process conducted by seasoned directors, the ICD.D designation represents a lifelong commitment to excellence in the boardroom, a desire to stay current, and to be a more effective director.
Contact designations@icd.ca for more information on how you can attain your ICD.D designation.
Individuals who have received the ICD.D are required to complete a minimum of 14 hours of continuing education annually (and maintain membership in the ICD) in order to retain their designation.
1. How do I calculate my Continuing Education Units?
The 14 hours is a yearly requirement, counted from January to December. Those who attained the designation after June 1st of any given year will be required to earn 7 hours in that first year, and those who attained the designation after September 1st of any given year will be required to earn 3 hours in that first year.
2. How do I report my CEUs?
You are not required to report your CEUs or individual activities to the ICD and you may track them at your own discretion.
3. How do I know what is considered to be a continuing education activity?
The general rule of thumb is that any activity that enhances your knowledge of the boardroom and governance practices and consequently makes you a better director can be considered to be continuing education.
4. What broad categories and general activities count towards the 14 hours?
The following types of events count towards maintaining your ICD.D designation:
- ICD Education Programs and Chapter Events (can account for all 14 hours): Activities include chapter events, conferences, seminars, workshops, formal education programs and one-day short courses.
- Instruction/Mentorship (for up to half or 7 of the 14 CEUs required): Activities include mentoring; participating as a guest speaker or executive-in-residence at a formal director education program; acting as an examiner for the ICD.D oral certification exams; or developing or teaching governance courses.
- Governance Research (up to half or 7 of the 14 CEUs required): Activities include publishing research, texts or articles related to improving governance and directors.
- Reading (up to 4 hours of the 14 CEUs required): Books, studies, articles
- Networking events (up to 4 hours of the 14 CEUs required): Activities include attending formal networking events such as the ICD Fellowship Awards Gala and alumni events. Credit towards networking is being considered given most directors tend to learn from interacting with their peers.
- ICD Chapter Events (1 or 2 CEUs per event)
- ICD Fellowship Awards (2 CEUs annually)
- ICD National Conference (6 CEUs annually)
- ICD Alumni One-day Events (Designed to account for approx. 5-7 CEUs)
- ICD Webinars (1 CEU per hour)
- ICD Video Learning Series (1 CEU per hour)
- Our Limited Run Short Courses (8 CEUs each)
- Events from other organizations that offer education related to directorships and governance
- ICD Education Courses:
- Board Oversight of Technology (14 CEUs)
- ICD-Rotman Board Dynamics Program BDP (14CEUs)
- ICD-Rotman Governance Essentials Program GEP (14 CEUs)
- Our National Short Courses (8 CEUs each):
- Audit Committee Effectiveness
- Boardroom Financial Essentials
- Crown Director Effectiveness
- Enterprise Risk Oversight for Directors
- Human Resources & Compensation Committee Effectiveness
- Board Oversight of Strategy
Candidates scheduled for an ICD.D oral examination date may request deferment to a future examination date. A request for deferment will be considered only if the candidate has paid all outstanding fees, where space is available, and at the sole discretion of the ICD.
The request must be made in writing to the ICD’s Manager, Graduations and Designations. Candidates who request a deferment less than 14 days prior to the date on which the candidate is currently scheduled for the oral examination or who fail to attend the scheduled examination date may request a new examination date, in which case an administration fee of $299 (plus applicable taxes) shall be required.
Candidates that fail to attend their scheduled examination date can significantly affect their peers’ examination experience. Candidates who do not receive a passing grade on either the written or oral examination are entitled to re-take the test one additional time at no additional fee. Subsequent re-tests shall require a $125 administration fee (plus applicable taxes).
An applicant or designation candidate must:
- Graduate from the ICD-Rotman Directors Education Program;
- Be a current member in good standing of the Institute of Corporate Directors, having signed the ICD's Member Code of Conduct;
- Successfully pass the ICD.D online examination;
- Successfully pass the ICD.D oral peer examination given by two ICD-appointed examiners; and
- Sign the ICD.D Designation Agreement, which requires directors with ICD.D to commit to a minimum of 14 hours ongoing governance education annually.
As a Member of the ICD and a holder of the ICD.D designation, you have committed to achieving the highest standard of directorship.
What does the ICD.D stand for?
The ICD.D designation stands for ;Institute of Corporate Directors, Director’ and is granted to individuals who have completed the ICD-Rotman Directors Education Program, have successfully passed the examination process, have committed to a minimum of 14 hours of ongoing governance education annually and are current members in good standing of the Institute of Corporate Directors. To date, 5,270 directors have earned the ICD.D designation.
Why should I use the ICD.D?
The ICD.D represents a lifelong commitment to excellence in the boardroom, a desire to stay current, and to be a more effective director. With an ICD.D, you are recognized as a director who can have more informed, focused and effective discussions. When used in board biographies or proxy circulars, it demonstrates to stakeholders the best-in-class governance and leadership capacity on your board(s).
How do I use the ICD.D?
The ICD.D should accompany your legacy designations, if any. ICD.Ds are encouraged to use their designation in the following circumstances and any others deemed appropriate:
Update your business card and e-signatures with the ICD.D following your name and any other designations you may have, for example:
Include the ICD.D in your personal and proxy bio with the following wording:
Long form: “[Your name] is a holder of the Institute of Corporate Directors Director designation.”
Short form: “[Your name], Institute of Corporate Directors, Director.”
Are there requirements to maintain the ICD.D?
Yes, to maintain the ICD.D, you need to be a current member in good standing of the Institute of Corporate Directors and to commit to a minimum of 14 hours of ongoing governance education annually. Contact ICD's Manager, Designations at designations@icd.ca for queries and additional information