Issues Oversight
The ICD’s Issues Oversight courses provide a quick and in-depth understanding of current top-of-mind issues from the director lens. These one or two-day courses are delivered through interactive sessions led by foremost governance experts. Times and locations will vary.
Directors of for-profit, not-for-profit and Crown corporations, and senior executives interested in improving their understanding of the director’s role will gain essential knowledge and practical insights to help navigate and tackle topical issues impacting governance and oversight duties. At a time of heightened complexity when boardroom decisions have increased implications for the economy, environment and society, staying informed has never been more important.
The ICD has optimized its Short Courses for virtual delivery. Using a blended online learning model that weaves together best practices in adult education with creative networking opportunities, ICD Short Courses will now be more accessible to directors across Canada. Short Courses will delivered through a state-of-the-art platform and will include independent learning, live online sessions and additional learning resources.
Programs Offered by the ICD

The ICD is committed to providing member board organizations with resources that can lead to high performance.