Navigating Opportunities and Risks with Intangible Corporate Assets
Increasingly, intellectual assets form the lion’s share of a company’s value. Patent, copyright and trade secret protection provide a zone of protection against imitators of a company’s cornerstone products. But how can Boards ensure that the intellectual foundation for their company is sound? What happens if a competitor interferes with a product that is supposed to be a company’s key differentiator? What if that product is the target of a corporate giant with seemingly unlimited intellectual property rights? What assurances should Boards expect from management that these valuable assets are being nurtured and protected?
Join Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, an ICD Sponsor, on November 1 for a panel discussion to discuss how Boards can strengthen the intellectual foundation of their companies and oversee the identification and management of the offensive and defensive risks associated with intellectual corporate assets. Panelists will help Board members recognize opportunities and risks associated with an often misunderstood asset class that drives a growing proportion of corporate value.

Nathaniel Lipkus
Partner, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

Karima Bawa

Heather Mueller
Executive Vice President, Product Strategy, NCS Multistage
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