Networking & Celebration
Join us in celebrating the appointment of Doug Haughey (2022) as a Fellow of the ICD. Doug will briefly share a few insights from his leadership career as a CEO and director, including corporate and board culture, ESG, and the focus on shareholder value.
This “Networking and Celebration” event is one we look forward to as we “kick-off” our 2022 - 2023 ICD calendar. Please join this in-person event to hear our Calgary Chapter plans for the year ahead as we move to a combination of in person and online events. We are excited to return to the Calgary Petroleum Club for this event.
This “Networking and Celebration” event is one we look forward to as we “kick-off” our 2022 - 2023 ICD calendar. Please join this in-person event to hear our Calgary Chapter plans for the year ahead as we move to a combination of in person and online events. We are excited to return to the Calgary Petroleum Club for this event.
October 3, 2022 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm MT
Calgary Petroleum Club, 319 Fifth Avenue SW, AB. T2P 0L5
ICD.D Member: $45
Non-Member: $70

Doug Haughey
Chair, Fortis Inc.
Independent Lead Director, Keyera Corp.
Director, Hifi Engineering
Independent Lead Director, Keyera Corp.
Director, Hifi Engineering
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