Celebrating 2024 ICD Fellowship Award Honoree Nancy Hopkins
Please Join us as we celebrate Nancy Hopkins, a 2024 ICD Fellow.
Each year, the prestigious ICD Fellowship designation is bestowed upon a select number of directors from public companies, crown corporations, and not-for-profit boards. The recipients have demonstrated leadership and stewardship, accountability to stakeholders, and have made significant contributions to governance.
Nancy is going to share the changes she has seen as a Director over her many years of service, her insights on what Directors need to be thinking about today, and where the future is heading in corporate governance.
We are thrilled that Kathryn Wakefield, VP Chapter Relations from the National ICD Office, will be joining us to talk about the value of ICD membership and governance education across Canada.
Our Saskatchewan Chapter is excited to share our program line up for the 2024/25 year – we have some thought-provoking topics planned.
This is a great opportunity to network with Directors in Saskatchewan who are committed to excellence in board governance.
ICD Members: $45
Non-members: $65

Catherine Gryba
Owner, CRG Strategies

Nancy Hopkins
Partner, McDougall Gauley, LLP

Kathryn Wakefield
Vice President, Chapter Relations, Institute of Corporate Directors