Managing Risks of Uncharitable Stakeholders of Charities

Charitable Boards of all sizes face challenges new and old, but with the need for response at a pace accelerated by heightened media, regulatory and public scrutiny.

Using recent media articles in Canada and excerpts from the new documentary “Uncharitable” based on Dan Pallotta’s bestselling book and TED Talk, this session will provide a series of case studies on the various challenges a nonprofits and their boards might face. Attendees at each table of eight will act as the board of a nonprofit to address the challenges, discuss options and share their insights on possible courses of action. Attendees will get value from watching the TED Talk before the session.

The challenges pulled from recent media coverage and the documentary film include: CEO selection and compensation, fundraising and marketing vs program costs, risk and innovation in the pursuit of growth and impact, reputation management in response to media scrutiny, short term vs long term thinking, and the selection of KPIs for a nonprofit.

The session will be of value both to nonprofit board members and their senior executives; in other words, the team that is tasked with facing these challenges. It will be moderated by Doug Hayhurst, an experienced public, private and nonprofit director, and Jim Hayhurst, an award-winning founder, executive and board member in both the nonprofit and technology sector. Because the session will be in working groups of eight, registration is limited, and therefore early registration is encouraged.

May 30, 2024 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. PT
Terminal City Club, 837 West Hastings Street Terrace Ballroom Vancouver, BC

Members: $50 + gst

Non-members: $65 +gst



Barry Macdonald

Chair, Truvera Trust and Mortgage

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Doug Hayhurst


Chair, ICD BC Chapter, BC Ronald McDonald House, BC Region of the Nature Conservancy of Canada and United Way BC

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Jim Hayhurst

Chair, Trails Youth Initiatives

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