Striking the Balance : When the Board is Too Hands Off or Too Hands On - Regina
Striking the right balance between board oversight and CEO/Executive Director independence is essential for strong leadership and governance. Silvia Martini and Catherine Gryba will uncover the warning signs and potential pitfalls that indicate a board may be leaning too heavily on its CEO/Executive Director or, conversely, stepping back too much. Both extremes can undermine the board's effectiveness.
Through real-world examples and actionable strategies, you will learn how to foster a culture of accountability that empowers your CEO/Executive Director to lead while ensuring they remain fully answerable to the board. Navigating the delicate balance between board oversight and CEO / Executive Director autonomy is crucial for effective governance. Gain practical insights on establishing the right balance, enabling your board to support and challenge your CEO in equal measure.
ICD Members: $40
Non-members: $55

Silvia Martini
Owner, Martini Consulting
President & CEO, Interlink Research Inc.

Catherine Gryba
Owner, CRG Strategies