October 5, 2011
Beyond the CEO: Role of the Board in partnership with Knightsbridge and CCBE

In spring 2011, Knightsbridge and the Clarkson Centre for Board Effectiveness at the Rotman School of Management (CCBE) partnered with the Institute of Corporate Directors on a large-scale study into the role and effectiveness of human capital oversight among Canadian boards of directors.
Most Canadian directors acknowledge that human capital oversight is an essential part of their work. The vast majority indicated their boards have direct responsibility for CEO compensation, performance management, and development, including succession planning. But the majority of directors also believe that boards should monitor strategic talent management areas such as HR strategy, organizational culture, employee engagement, succession planning, and learning and development.
A majority of directors surveyed believe their organization has the necessary talent to achieve its strategic objectives. But a majority also expressed a desire to spend more time discussing important cultural, leadership, and talent-related risks and challenges facing their organizations.
Read the full report.